Teaching Points
Levels Two and Three
This postcard was written as a model for students to use to write a postcard of their own.
- are short
- use informal language
- use mostly past tense
- often don't have paragraphs to save space
- often have sentences without subjects
- often have exclamation marks and capitals for emphasis
- often let people know
- what they have seen or been doing
- what the weather is like
- when they are coming home or where they are going next
- sometimes have a reference to the picture on the card
What kind of text is this?
Who is it written to?
Who wrote it?
Where is Sam staying?
Give two reasons why it was written?
What adjective (describing word) describes the harbour?
Think of a synonym that could be used to describe the harbour.
Why is AWESOME written in capitals?
Think of a synonym for Awesome.
Add words to make these sentences complete.
Arrived safely Sunday afternoon.
Staying at the Hilton on the Quay.
Harbour is beautiful.
Choose and interesting place you have visited and write a postcard to a friend.
Tell them:
- you have arrived safely
- where you are staying
- what the scenery is like
- what you have been doing
Use the GREETINGS FROM SYDNEY postcard to help you.
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